Mandatory investigations A detailed interview of the patient and his or her parents, relatives, or friends who have witnessed the seizures remains the cornerstone of the presurgical evaluation. This interview should recapitulate all relevant past history and
provide the most detailed description of the patient’s seizure. For instance, lateralized and prolonged febrile convulsions are likely to be selleck associated with a temporal lobe EZ contralateral to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the side of convulsions, and with an excellent seizure outcome following TLE surgery.9,24 Conversely a severe herpes virus meningoencephalitis is more likely to result in multifocal or bilateral drug-resistant epilepsy not amenable to successful surgical treatment.25,26 Family history of neurological and epileptic disorders Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical must also
be sought, and may help to identify a specific syndrome, such as autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFIJE)27 or TLE,28 or forme frustre of tuberous sclerosis.29 A detailed assessment of the patient’s hand, eye, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and foot dominance, together with the description of his or her ictal and postictal language abilities, allows inference regarding the most likely side of seizure onset. Stereotyped auras that can be precisely described by the patient often thenthereby represent one of the most reliable indicators of the seizure onset zone. This is particularly true for elementary sensory or motor signs pointing to the corresponding primary or secondary cortical areas, but also for rising epigastric sensation, déjà vu, déjà vécu, and dreamy state that strongly suggest a temporal lobe seizure onset. However, like any other ictal symptom, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical auras might only reflect the propagation into the symptomatogenic zone of an epileptic discharge that has originated in a distant silent brain region. It is also essential to assess the presence and frequency of secondary
generalization, since the latter supports an cxtratemporal EZ and predicts a poor outcome following temporal lobe Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical surgery.6 A comprehensive cognitive and psychiatric evaluation is likely GSK-3 to provide useful information. Some neuropsychological dysfunctions are associated with specific EZ, such as verbal memory impairment with left TLE.30 More importantly, the degree of preoperative verbal memory impairment is a strong predictor of postoperative memory decline following surgery in the dominant temporal lobe.31,32 The lower the preoperative impairment, the greater the risk of postsurgical deterioration. In addition, diffuse neuropsychological deficits may be an indicator of extensive brain disease and therefore a marker of poor outcome following focal resection.33,34 The prevalence of psychiatric disorders in patients referred to epilepsy surgery might be as much as 80%. 35 Whether these disorders increase the risk of postoperative seizure recurrence remains controversial.