In addition to fixing N2, many rhizobia CCI-779 manufacturer species have enzyme-encoding genes for some or all of the four reductase reactions in denitrification. Several studies have reported that legume crops contribute to N2O production by providing N-rich residues for decomposition
[16] and by associating with some rhizobia that are able to denitrify under free-living and under symbiotic conditions, producing N2O [17–19]. However, soybean endosymbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum is the only rhizobia species for which it has been demonstrated that the napEDABC, nirK, norCBQD and nosRZDYFLX genes are involved in complete denitrification [17, 19, 20]. Ensifer (formerly Sinorhizobium) meliloti is a rhizobial species
that establishes symbiotic N2-fixing associations with plants of the genera Medicago, Melilotus and Trigonella. Genes for the complete MI-503 denitrification pathway are present in the E. meliloti pSymA megaplasmid [21, 22]. Transcriptomic analyses have shown that the E. meliloti nap, nir, nor and nos genes are induced in response to O2 limitation [23]. Under these conditions, the expression of denitrification genes is coordinated via a two-component regulatory system, FixLJ, and via a transcriptional regulator, FixK [24]. Recent transcriptomic studies demonstrated that Progesterone denitrification genes (nirK and norC) and other genes related to denitrification (azu1, hemN, nnrU and nnrS) are also induced in response to NO and that the regulatory protein NnrR is involved in the control of this process [25]. In symbiotic association with M. truncatula plants, recent findings have demonstrated that the E. meliloti napA and nirK denitrification genes contribute to nitric oxide production in root nodules [26]. Although the regulation and symbiotic characterisation of E. meliloti denitrification genes is well understood, the roles of these genes in nitrate
reduction through denitrification and in the emission of N2O are not known. Recent results from our group [21] reported the capability of E. meliloti to use nitrate or nitrite as respiratory substrates when cells were incubated with an initial oxygen concentration of 2%; however, nitrate and nitrite could not be used as respiratory substrates when the cells were initially incubated anoxically. In the present work, functional analyses of the E. meliloti napA, nirK, norC and nosZ genes reveal their involvement in the ability of E. meliloti to grow using nitrate as a respiratory substrate and in the expression of denitrification enzymes. Results Nitrate-dependent growth of E. meliloti napA, nirK, norC and nosZ mutants To investigate the involvement of denitrification genes in the ability of E.