e., dR / dλ), where the peak wavelength is characterized to be the absorption edge of the samples. It is seen that the SrTiO3 particles and composites present two absorption peaks in the derivative spectra. The strong and sharp absorption edge at approximately 370 nm is suggested to be attributed to the electron transition from valence band to conduction band. In comparison to the SrTiO3 particles, the SrTiO3-graphene composites show almost no shift in this absorption edge, indicating that the effect of graphene on the band structure of SrTiO3 can be neglected. From
this absorption edge, the E https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ABT-263.html g of the samples is obtained to be approximately 3.35 eV. In addition, the relatively weak absorption edge at approximately 335 nm
may be ascribed to the surface effects. Figure 5 Diffuse reflectance spectra and corresponding first derivative. (a) Diffuse reflectance spectra of the samples. (b) Corresponding first derivative of diffuse reflectance spectra. The photocatalytic activity of the SrTiO3-graphene composites was evaluated by the degradation of AO7 under UV light irradiation. Figure 6 shows the photocatalytic degradation of AO7 over the SrTiO3-graphene composites as a function of irradiation time (t). The blank experiment result is also shown in Figure 6, from which one can see that AO7 is hardly degraded under CYC202 UV light irradiation without photocatalysts, and its degradation percentage is less than 8% after 6 h of exposure. After the 6-h irradiation in the presence of SrTiO3 particles, about 51% of AO7 is observed to be degraded. When the SrTiO3 particles assembled on the graphene sheets, the obtained samples exhibit higher photocatalytic activity than the bare SrTiO3 particles. In these composites, the photocatalytic
activity increases gradually with increasing graphene content and achieves the highest value when the content of graphene reaches 7.5%, where the degradation of Tangeritin AO7 is about 88% after irradiation for 6 h. Further increase in graphene content leads to the decrease of the photocatalytic activity. Figure 6 Photocatalytic degradation of AO7 over SrTiO 3 particles and SrTiO 3 -graphene composites. This degradation is a function of irradiation time, along with the blank experiment result. Figure 7 shows the PL spectra of the TA solution after reacting for 6 h over the UV light-irradiated SrTiO3 particles and SrTiO3-graphene(7.5%) composites. The blank experiment result indicates almost no PL signal at 429 nm after irradiation without photocatalyst. On irradiation in the presence of the SrTiO3 particles, the PL signal centered around 429 nm is obviously detected, revealing the generation of · OH radicals. When the SrTiO3-graphene composites are used as the photocatalyst, the PL signal becomes more intense, suggesting that the yield of the · OH radicals is enhanced over the irradiated composites.