To test for autonomy of effect, we also recorded from dMNs in the islet−/− mutant. Dorsal MNs do not express Selleck BMS354825 islet, and IKfast currents of WT and mutant larvae were statistically indistinguishable ( Figure 2C; WT 60.1 ± 4.3 pA/pF versus islet−/− 68.2 ± 5.9 pA/pF p = 0.28). We conclude that loss of islet only affects IKfast in vMNs in which it is normally expressed, but not in dMNs that lack
expression of this transcription factor. We further noted that loss of islet from the vMNs resulted in a transformation of IKfast to recapitulate the magnitude of this same current recorded in dMNs. When averaged responses of islet−/− vMNs and WT dMNs were superimposed, only small kinetic differences remain ( Figure 2D). Such an observation is entirely consistent
with, and indeed predictive of, the magnitude of IKfast being regulated by endogenous expression of Islet. Fast K+ currents in Drosophila neurons are encoded by one or more of at least three different genes: two voltage-gated fast-activating and inactivating channels (A-currents) termed Shal and Shaker (Sh) and a Ca2+-activated BK channel termed slowpoke ( Baker and Salkoff, 1990; Elkins et al., 1986; Singh and Wu, 1990). To determine which K+ current is increased in vMNs click here following loss of islet, we used specific blockers of these individual currents. We first explored whether IKslowpoke is repressed by Islet. To do so we added Cd2+ to the bath solution. Cd2+ blocks Ca2+ entry mafosfamide and, as a consequence, prevents activation of Ca2+-activated K+ channels. Addition of Cd2+ did not diminish the increase in IKfast observed in the vMNs in islet−/− mutants (data not shown). We conclude from this that Islet does not influence IKslowpoke.
By contrast, the presence of α-Dentrotoxin (DTx), a potent and specific blocker for Sh-mediated K+ currents (Ryglewski and Duch, 2009; Wu et al., 1989), completely abolishes the increase of IKfast seen in the vMNs in islet−/− ( Figure 3A; control 58.5 ± 6.9 versus DTx 43.1 ± 2.7 pA/pF p ≤ 0.05). Indeed, IKfast values obtained in the presence of DTx closely mirrored untreated WT vMNs (43.1 ± 2.7 versus 42.6 ± 3.1 p = 0.9). That DTx negates the islet−/− phenotype is consistent with Islet inhibiting a Sh-mediated K+ current in WT vMNs. To verify this prediction, we recorded IKfast in a Sh;islet double mutant. Similarly, under these conditions, peak current density of IKfast in the double mutant was indistinguishable from WT vMNs ( Figure 3A; p = 0.24). Our data are consistent with Islet acting to repress expression of Sh in vMNs. Moreover, removal of this repression results in expression of Sh-mediated K+ channels that confer “dorsal-like” electrical properties. This model posits, therefore, that dMNs normally express a Sh-mediated K+ current. To test this, we compared IKfast in dMNs between WT and in the presence of either DTx or in a Sh null mutant (Sh[14]).