Thus, the current results support that ventral striatal activity is a reward prediction error signal, and more than a mere reinforcement signal (Schultz, 1998). Moreover, BAS related activation was present in the medial orbitofrontal
cortex, which is connected to reward anticipation in reward sensitive subjects (Hahn et al., 2009). When an selleckchem unexpected reward cue is identified by the ventral striatum, the individual forms an anticipation of a rewarding event in the medial orbitofrontal cortex (Bechara et al., 2000 and Kringelbach and Rolls, 2004). Also as hypothesized, we found an antagonistic influence of BIS/FFFS on BAS related brain activation and behavior, supporting the Joint Subsystems Hypothesis (Corr, 2001). According to the view of separable subsystems, either an avoidance- or an approach related brain-behavior system is in exclusive control of the behavioral
execution at any moment, with each activation level independent of the other (Pickering, 1997). Most studies inspired by the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory have adopted this view, which, if incorrect, PTC124 molecular weight might explain the conflicting results in the literature (Corr, 2004). Corr suggested that the effects of joint subsystems will be more pronounced in situations with weak appetitive or conflicting stimuli (Corr, 2002) which was supported by this fMRI study. The distinct effects from N and SP on SR related brain activity and behavior in the present study shed light on the unique contributions of BIS and FFFS. According to the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory FFFS cancels approach behavior GNA12 due to aversive stimuli while BIS limits,
but supports approach behavior under conflicts (Gray & McNaughton, 2000). One could thus expect that the strongest antagonistic effect on BAS stem from FFFS which we believed would be more closely related to SP than N. In fact, low SP promoted approach behavior demonstrated by the predictive strength of SR+/SP− scores on the right RT priming effect. Notable, this impulsivity measure is a more sensitive BAS measure than commission errors (Avila & Parcet, 2002), perhaps because commission errors reduce reward associations by dopaminergic depression (Schultz, 1998). Furthermore, SR+/SP− was related to activation in the hippocampus on which dopaminergic action facilitates declarative memory for both unexpected reward cues and subsequent stimuli (Adcock et al., 2006 and Wittmann et al., 2005). Finally, while SR+/SP− was related to activation in the anterolateral part of the ventral striatum spreading into putamen, the SR+/N− related peak activity was localized more posteromedially. The former area is associated with reward related learning independent of negative feedback while the latter responds to both aversive and appetitive stimuli (Jensen et al., 2003 and Mattfeld et al., 2011).