Thus, learning releases an inhibitory constraint

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Thus, learning releases an inhibitory constraint

on the ability of MBNs to respond to the learned odor. The changes in ability to learn about odors by altering the expression of Rdl in the MBs occurs for both aversive and appetitive conditioning, consistent with the possibility that the influence of inhibitory input is through the CS rather than the US pathway (Liu et al., 2009). Olfactory IPI-145 research buy learning may therefore increase the response properties of the MBNs to the learned odor by reducing the inhibition. A similar strategy for learning may occur during auditory learning in vertebrates. The vertebrate auditory system, with cortical auditory neurons turned to respond to an optimal tone frequency, offers a unique system for exploring how tone learning alters the frequency receptive fields for primary auditory neurons (Weinberger, 2004). Froemke et al. (2007) reported that pairing the presentation of pure tones with electrical stimulation of the nucleus basalis, which provides cholinergic modulation to the cortex and acts as a substitute

US, alters the receptive fields of cortical neurons toward the frequency of tone presented. The mechanism underlying this plasticity in frequency receptive fields is a rapid (within 20 s) reduction in the inhibitory drive on these neurons with a subsequent increase in their excitability by the tone paired with cholinergic release. The net effect of pairing is to enhance buy BMS-387032 the excitability of cortical neurons by the learned tone. One report offers experimental support for learning-induced plasticity in the dopaminergic neurons (DA) that are thought to innervate the MBNs (Figure 1B).

all Riemensperger et al. (2005) expressed a calcium reporter in the DA neurons and imaged the DA fibers that innervate the MB lobes in flies before and after olfactory conditioning. Surprisingly, they observed calcium responses in these neurons when odors were presented to the flies, even though the DA neurons at the time were hypothesized to be part of the US pathway and not the CS pathway. Although there is no increase in the magnitude of the calcium responses of the DA neurons to the trained odor after conditioning, the data indicate that the duration of the calcium response may be prolonged. Multiple training trials were used to generate this plasticity, with the training-induced increase in calcium response forming by 15 min after the first pairing of odor and shock. This suggests that training alters the response properties of these neurons to the learned odor. More recent studies indicate that the DA neurons are anatomically and functionally heterogeneous (Mao and Davis, 2009). The DA neurons reside in different clusters in the brain. One cluster with 12 DA neurons (PPL1) innervates distinct zones of the MB lobes (Figure 1B).

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