Thus, apart from variation between personality characteristics, there is also considerable variation between
studies on a single personality characteristic. Second, an interesting finding is that there are several clusters to which both general and food-specific personality characteristics contribute. For instance, the cluster in the medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) and rectus, contributed to by studies on impulsivity, external eating, disinhibited find more eating and food addiction, suggests that these food-specific characteristics are characterized by an underlying impulsive personality. The apparent concentration of peak coordinates in the frontal lobe and subcortical structures may be caused by the fact that most studies GDC-0199 manufacturer only reported results for predefined regions of interest (ROIs) in these parts of the brain. This might also explain why structures that are less often chosen as ROIs, were not found, for example, the posterior fusiform gyrus, which we found to be most robustly activated by visual food cues in our earlier meta-analysis and is thought to reflect attention to
food cues [7••]. The five factor model, also known as ‘the Big Five’, and Cloninger’s psychobiological theory, which forms the basis for the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), are the two major comprehensive personality models [14]. Although several dimensions of the Big Five and the TCI correlate with each other (e.g., TCI self-directedness correlates moderately positive with Big Five conscientiousness and moderately negative with Big Five neuroticism), they are generally regarded as meaningfully distinct characteristics 15 and 16•. Many of the Big Five and TCI dimensions have been linked to problematic eating behaviors and overweight, in particular high Big Five neuroticism (sensitivity to negative or punishment stimuli and emotional instability), low Big Five conscientiousness (being thorough, organized and self-disciplined) and low self-directedness (the ability of an individual to control, regulate, and adapt behavior to fit the situation in accord with
individually chosen goals and values) 2••, 14 and 17. For ifenprodil example, high neuroticism is linked to stronger activation in the right striatum when viewing favorite brands of chocolates (pictures of packages with chocolate) [18••] and stronger right amygdala responses to food pictures are found in individuals low in self-directedness [16•]. Although there is too little data to draw robust conclusions, these findings might reflect an exaggerated emotional response to palatable foods which — if not counteracted by inhibitory control — can lead to overeating [16•]. Impulsivity is defined as a tendency to act before thinking and to prefer smaller immediate rewards over larger delayed rewards and is characterized by an increased sensitivity to reward [19]. Both impulsivity and reward sensitivity are related to overeating and an increased risk of being overweight 2•• and 20.