These phenotypic differences imply that Fat3 acts independently to control AC morphology
and migration. The clear separation of effects on morphology versus migration indicates that the persistence of the trailing process does not a priori cause a migration ��-catenin signaling phenotype and, conversely, that the presence of this process is not secondary to abnormal migration. The fat3CKO phenotype demonstrates that the Fat3 receptor is required in ACs to control dendrite number and raises the question of which cells might provide the relevant ligand. Fat3 protein is enriched in the developing IPL ( Figure 1), suggesting that Fat3 localization and signaling occurs in response to cell-cell interactions within the IPL. Two types of interactions can be envisioned: AC-AC interactions and AC-RGC interactions. We distinguished between these possibilities by investigating plexiform layer development in math5KO mice. Math5 is a basic helix-loop helix transcription factor required for RGC differentiation, and in math5KOs the majority of RGCs are absent because
their precursors become ACs ( Feng et al., 2010 and Wang et al., 2001). However, despite the dramatic reduction of RGCs, neither an OMPL nor an IMPL formed, as evidenced by the absence of VGAT-labeled processes outside of the IPL ( Figure 6J). In contrast, simultaneous loss of math5 and fat3 recapitulates the fat3KO phenotype, with formation of an extensive OMPL and IMPL ( Figure 6K). This strongly suggests that Fat3 in ACs receives signals from other ACs to govern dendrite morphogenesis. Cabozantinib in vitro In support of this idea, the distribution of Fat3 in the IPL of the math5KO is largely unaltered, which is consistent with the argument that only AC-AC contacts are necessary for Fat3
localization ( Figure 6L). Together, these results show that regulation of dendrite number in ACs does not require RGCs, nor are RGCs necessary for the maintenance of ectopic AC dendrites in the fat3KO retina. Unfortunately, the role of RGCs in regulating AC migration remains unclear because the changes in overall AC number precluded Dipeptidyl peptidase an informative analysis of AC distribution ( Feng et al., 2006). In Drosophila, Fat is activated by another atypical cadherin, Ds, and the strength of this interaction is modulated by the Golgi kinase fj ( Brittle et al., 2010, Ishikawa et al., 2008 and Simon et al., 2010). Fj plays a central role in this system by enhancing Fat activity while simultaneously reducing Ds’s ability to bind to Fat ( Simon, 2004 and Simon et al., 2010). As a consequence, Fat activity is proposed to become asymmetric within individual cells. Although subsequent signaling events may vary depending on the context, the Fat-Ds-Fj cassette is used in multiple developmental events ( Sopko and McNeill, 2009).