The trauma teams were assisted by nurses and flight coordinators on duty in the Emergency Medical Dispatch center (EMD) situated in the Department of Emergency Medicine at UNN. Communication technology The VC system has two-way video and audio. Two cameras were P505-15 installed in the emergency room at LYB; one camera above the patient bed and one wall-mounted overview camera. Both cameras have pan, tilt and zoom. Physiological variables with trends (ECG, heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen blood saturation and temperature) can be viewed real
time at both locations. At UNN, the VC system was installed with one camera and two 37¨ wall-mounted widescreens in the conference center of the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical EMD. The primary design concept was to minimise the amount of technology interaction for the team working around the patient in the rural emergency room. The technology therefore can be remotely controlled from the EMD. For data compression and decompression of video Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical streams we used two Tandberg video codecs (Tandberg, Lysaker, Norway), connected with a 2 MB/s data network. For comparison, we also tested virtual team building without the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical VC system, using conventional telephones for communication between hospitals. The available telephones were a mix of wall-plugged units, wireless handsets, and loud-speaking telephone conference units. Simulation trials
We tested the “virtual emergency team” in simulated emergency scenarios (Table (Table1).1). The patients were healthy volunteers,
instructed to play symptoms and signs, and given realistic appearance by professional make-up. Physiological variables were generated by simulators and displayed real time on monitors, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical at both locations during VC, and at LYB only during telephone scenarios. A facilitator (SRB) provided additional information, such as respiratory sounds and urine color, when participants asked for it. Participants had no former experience Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in using the VC system. They were given a 15 minutes introduction on how to use it followed by a practical training session (case A, Table Table1).1). The same team members at both hospitals cooperated on another two Tryptophan synthase scenarios (case B – E, Table Table1).1). Team 1 used videoconferencing for all scenarios while team 2 and 3 explored both communication modes. The teams were allowed to work 45 minutes on each case. Table 1 The scenarios in brief as presented for the three teams. Data collection and analysis An external observer (FL) followed each scenario, focusing on intra- and inter-group communication. Semi-structured group interviews were conducted following each of the nine simulated scenarios (case A – E, Table Table1).1). Group interviews facilitate interaction and exchange of ideas between the informants, and was chosen to allow team members to discuss their experience, behaviour, group dynamics and how the team could work better together.