The thermal oxide grows in a conformal manner which preserves the ordering, morphology and uniformity of those initial macropores. The micropillar
hollow structure was further investigated by TEM. Figure 2B shows a cross-section-like dark field TEM image of a detached micropillar with a length of 26 μm and a regular wall thickness all along. A detail of the micropillar closed-end is presented in Figure 2C AZD1480 concentration with a thermally grown SiO2 wall approximately 150 nm thick. Figure 2 Microscopy characterization of the SiO 2 micropillars. SEM image of released micropillars with a diameter of 1.8 μm (A), and dark-field TEM images of a detached micropillar with a length of 26 μm (B) and a detail of the uniform SiO2 wall and hollow structure on the micropillar tip (C). Fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy was employed to verify the electrostatic deposition of the polyelectrolytes on the micropillar sample. Bare SiO2 possesses a negative surface charge above the isoelectric point (pH 1.7 to 3.5) [41], which facilitates the cationic PAH adsorption. After PAH deposition, an absorption band appears at approximately 2,930 cm−1 related to the C-Hx stretching vibrations, although it is distorted by the broad νOH band. The band selleck chemicals centred at approximately 1,534 cm−1 is attributed to the N-H bending modes in NH3 + (Figure 3,
spectrum B). These findings prove successful Compound C concentration adsorption of the PAH on the silicon oxide. The FTIR-ATR of the sample with a bilayer of PAH/PSS shows bands related to the C-C stretching modes of the aromatic DOK2 ring in the PSS molecule at 1,497 and 1,462 cm−1 (Figure 3, spectrum C). The contribution of the
alkyl CH2 symmetric stretching components from PSS incorporates to those of PAH in the 2,800 to 3,000 cm−1 region. However, a new intense band appears at 2,981 cm−1 which can be attributed to the C-H stretching in the PSS aromatic ring. The symmetric and asymmetric stretching regions of SO3 − overlap with the νSiOx absorption between 900 and 1,250 cm−1. Nevertheless, at least two peaks can be discerned at 1,124 and 1,160 cm−1 corresponding to the SO3 − stretching vibrations [42, 43]. These observations confirm the successful deposition of PAH and PSS polyelectrolytes on the silicon dioxide micropillars. Figure 3 FTIR-ATR characterization for polyelectrolyte coating. FTIR-ATR spectra of (A) oxidized, (B) PAH-coated, and (C) PAH/PSS-coated macroporous silicon. Confocal fluorescence microscopy was used to confirm drug adsorption into the polyelectrolyte multilayer, as well as to verify the PEM coating conformation inside the micropillars. Firstly, we imaged a top view of the micropillar arrays after coating with eight bilayers PAH/PSS and loading with DOX for 20 h at pH 2.0, then 2 h at pH 8.0 and thoroughly washed with deionized water (DIW) pH 8.0. At pH 2.