The locations of the peaks and the angular
spreading are the following functions of the frequency ω equation(28) θm1(ω)={7.50forω<ωp12exp[5.453−2.75(ωωp)−1]forω≥ωpand equation(29) σθ(ω)={11.38+5.357(ωωp)−7.929forω<ωp32.13−15.39(ωωp)−2forω≥ωp. Ewans & van der selleck inhibitor Vlugt (1999) discovered that the bimodality of the directional spectrum is also visible for the wave conditions occurring during tropical cyclones. Such sea states consist largely of a cyclone-generated swell component and a local wind sea. Following Kuik et al. (1988), they defined the so-called unimodal/bimodal parameter, which is a function of the skewness and kurtosis of the directional distribution. Using the data from the wave buoy deployed south-west of the North Rankin A platform, approximately 123 km off the north-west coast of Australia, they found that the bimodal directional distribution is associated particularly with the more energetic sea states prevailing during tropical cyclones. When the significant wave height is below 2 m, the contribution of the bimodal sea states to the total variance is somewhat less than 60 percent. In the region of the peak frequency of the spectrum, the components
are generally unimodal, and the number of bimodal distributions increases at frequencies both above and below the peak frequencies. A similar directional spreading was observed by Young et al. (1995) during experiments on Lake George, Australia. The lake has a depth of 2 m, and the reported waves were in the range 1.7 ZD1839 < U10/Cp < 3. Directional spreading was narrowest in the before region of the spectral peak ωp and broadened at frequencies both higher and lower than ωp. At frequencies of approximately ω > 2ωp, the spreading
function develops into a bimodal form. The existence of the bimodal directional form was supported by Banner & Young’s (1994) theoretical analysis, in which the full solution of the nonlinear spectral energy balance equation indicates that directional spreading in the high frequency region is controlled by the non-linear spectral transfer of energy through wave-wave interactions. Note that Ewans’ (1998) results showed no dependence of the bi-modal distribution parameters on wave age. This means that the bimodal directional distribution is an invariant property of the wind-generated wave field. Wang & Hwang (2001) supported this conclusion, stating that directional biomodality is a very robust feature also occurring in waves generated by an unsteady wind in both deep and shallow waters, and that the frequency parameters of the bimodal directional distribution are invariant with respect to wave age during the transient wave growth period.