The final eight CSQ-SF scenarios are presented in Supplementary Material: Appendix 2. As
with the CSQ-13 and CSQ-11, each scenario was assessed using nine response items, scored from 1 to 5. Total scores on the CSQ-SF could hence range from 72 to 360, with higher scores reflecting a more negative cognitive style. Descriptive statistics for the CSQ-SF are reported in Table 2. Table 5 shows the correlation matrix for relations among scores on the CSQ-SF for the five dimensions of cognitive style (internality, globality, stability, self-worth, and negative consequences). As shown in Table 5, scores for all dimensions were positively correlated with one another. The internal reliability of the scores p38 MAPK apoptosis across the five dimensions was good, α = .85. A principal components analysis was performed on the scores for the five dimensions. Kaiser’s (1960) rule, scree-plot analysis, and
parallel analysis using a Monte Carlo analysis PI3K inhibitor with 1000 repetitions, all suggested the extraction of a single factor. This factor (with an eigenvalue of 3.25) accounted for 65.08% of the observed variance. All five dimensions loaded onto this factor, with loadings ranging from .54 to .89. On the CSQ-13, women (M = 332.36, SD = 42.28) scored more highly than did men (M = 319.45, SD = 43.50), t(242) = 2.26, p < .025, d = 0.30, indicating that women had a more negative cognitive style. There was no difference in CSQ-11 scores between men (M = 279.53, SD = 32.46) and women (M = 283.75, SD = 44.02), t(388) = 0.98, n.s., d = 0.11. There was no difference in CSQ-SF scores between men (M = 201.05, SD = 28.96) and women (M = 197.29, SD = 28.65), t(276) = 1.09, n.s., d = 0.13. To explore potential reasons for the absence of a gender effect on the CSQ-11 and CSQ-SF, we investigated responses on the original CSQ-13
individual items as a function of gender. Gender differences were observed on only two of the items, with women demonstrating more negative cognitive style in relation to (a) low mark in an assignment, t(246) = 3.43, p < .001, d = 0.46, and (b) not looking good in terms of physical appearance, t(246) = 2.54. p < .025, d = 0.34. The first of these items was omitted in the CSQ-11, and the second was omitted in the CSQ-SF. Reliability across the eight scenarios of the CSQ-SF was good, α = 81, being comfortably between the recommended boundaries of 0.7 and 0.9. This showed the CSQ-SF scenarios to have internal reliability. The split-half coefficient was also satisfactory at .78. A principal components analysis was performed on the scores for the eight scenarios. Kaiser’s (1960) rule, scree-plot analysis, and parallel analysis using a Monte Carlo analysis with 1000 repetitions, all suggested the extraction of a single factor. This factor (with an eigenvalue of 3.47) accounted for 43.31% of the observed variance.