Surprisingly, their Vm fluctuations were still strongly synchroni

Surprisingly, their Vm fluctuations were still strongly synchronized (Figures 2B and 2C, 15°). The spectra of relative power change for two cells had similar shapes in both stimulus conditions (Figure 2E, first and second plots); the coherence spectra for visually evoked activity under these stimulus conditions were quite similar (Figure 2F, first and second plots). When the visual stimulus check details was ineffective in driving either cell (60°), there were considerably fewer high-frequency fluctuations in both

cells. Finally, common to all stimulus conditions, there was a reduction of coherence at low frequencies (Figure 2F, compare black and color curves at frequencies less than 10 Hz). Similar features BYL719 can be identified in two additional example pairs shown in Figure S2 (pairs 5 and 6). The example pairs give the impression that the visually evoked change in Vm synchrony (e.g., as measured by coherence) might be weakly dependent on stimulus orientation.

We analyzed this dependence in 21 pairs of cells in which visual stimulation induced strong high-frequency fluctuations. In 9 pairs, the cells had similar orientation preferences (<20° difference); in 12 pairs, the cells had different orientation preferences (≥20° difference). These two groups were analyzed separately. For comparison across pairs, in each pair, we chose one cell as a “reference” cell, and expressed the stimulus orientation relative to its preferred orientation. Additionally, we flipped the orientation order if necessary so that the preferred orientation of the second cell in the pair was always positive. The tuning curves for the 21 reference cells and corresponding second cells are shown in Figures 3A and 3B. The aggregate tuning curve for each pair is plotted in Figure 3C, where the aggregate response is represented by the normalized geometric mean

response of the two cells. To quantify the orientation dependence of synchrony, 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase stimulus orientations were binned into four ranges (measured relative to the preferred orientation of the reference cell): −45° to −15 o, −15° to 15°, 15° to 45°, and 45° to 90°. First, we computed the averaged coherence spectrum for each stimulus orientation range and plotted them with the averaged coherence spectrum of the spontaneous activity (Figure 3D for pairs with similar orientation preferences and Figure 3F for pairs with different orientation preferences). For multiple orientation ranges, coherence at low frequencies (0–10 Hz) and at high frequencies (20–80 Hz) was modulated in opposite directions by visual stimuli, consistent with previous examples (e.g., Figure 1 and Figure 2). For any given pair, each stimulus orientation produced a corresponding change in coherence spectrum with respect to the pair’s coherence in spontaneous state (e.g., Figure 1F).

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