SNS01 T, a nanoparticle containing an eIF5AK50R e pres sion plasmid and an eIF5A1 siRNA, is currently being evaluated in a clinical trial in patients with advanced multiple myeloma. Although the precise mechanism underlying the role of eIF5A1 in cell death is unknown, it can induce apop tosis in a p53 dependent or independent manner and activate the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. In this study, adenoviral mediated over e pression of eIF5A1 or eIF5AK50A was found to induce apoptosis in A549 lung cancer cells. The similar ity in cellular response to eIF5A1 and eIF5A1K50A over e pression can be attributed to the rate limiting activity of DHS and DOHH available to modify the large amounts of newly translated eIF5A1 generated by the virus.
Indeed, a disproportionate accumulation of unhypusinated relative to hypusinated eIF5A1 that correlated with the induction of apoptosis was observed in the present study following Ad eIF5A1 infection of A549 cells. Another im portant observation is that apoptosis induced by Ad eIF5A1 or Ad eIF5A1K50A infection was not correlated to a reduction in hypusine Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries eIF5A levels, suggesting that the apoptotic response is not a result of depletion of the hypusinated form of the protein. MAPK signaling pathways can induce either cell proliferation or cell death depending on the cell type and stimulus. Infection of A549 cells with Ad eIF5A1 or Ad eIF5A1K50A induced Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries activation of ERK, p38, and JNK MAPKs. ERK can antagonize apoptosis by phosphoryla ting pro apoptotic Bcl 2 proteins, e. g, Bim, and inhibiting their function.
ERK can also promote apoptosis by binding and phosphorylating the tumor suppressor p53 on serine 15 and up regulating pro apoptotic Bcl 2 proteins such as Ba . The p38 and JNK MAPK pathways are activated by a variety of cell Brefeldin_A stressors, includ ing ultraviolet light, radiation, cytoto ic drugs, and cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha and inter leukin 1. Activation of these pathways is often correlated with stress related apoptosis, and inhibition of p38 and JNK has been demonstrated to prevent apoptosis resulting from a wide variety of stressors, including UV, cer amide, and genoto ic stress. Inhibitors of p38 and JNK inhibited apoptosis of A549 Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cells in response to Ad eIF5A1 in the present study, indicating that activation of these kinases contributes to cell death mediated by an accumulation of unmodified eIF5A1.
A member of the AP 1 transcription factor Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries family, c Jun, has been impli cated in both cell survival and apoptosis depending on the tissue and stimulus. The transcriptional activity of c Jun and its ability to either enhance or protect against apoptosis are largely regulated by JNK mediated phos phorylation of its transactivation domain at serines 63 and 73. P38 MAPK has also been reported to phos phorylate c Jun at serine 63 in T lymphocytes.