Several microspheres were visually confirmed to be intracellular after the inoculation (Figure 2D). A significant increase in fluorescence was observed in wells containing PknD-coated microspheres relative to those containing their BSA-coated counterparts (P = 0.0002) (Figure 2E). Adherence of PknD-coated microspheres (but not BSA-coated microspheres) to HBMEC was significantly reduced by pre-incubation with anti-PknD serum, when compared
to incubation with naïve antiserum (P = 0.005) (Figure 2F). Figure 2 M. tuberculosis PF-562271 manufacturer PknD is sufficient to trigger adhesion to HBMEC. A and B. Fluorescent microspheres were coated with either PknD sensor or BSA, inoculated into HBMEC, washed, and stained for actin. Confocal microscopy demonstrated that PknD sensor-coated microspheres (panel B) adhere to brain endothelia to a greater degree than those coated with BSA (panel A). C. Confocal images were assembled into a 3D reconstruction and examined under higher magnification. PknD sensor-coated microspheres appear to be largely enveloped by actin processes (arrows) indicating that PknD-induced uptake by host cells may be an active process. D. When confocal images are examined in multiple planes, it is clear that a number of microspheres exist intracellularly. E. Wells containing endothelial cells with microspheres were analyzed for fluorescence. Quantification
of fluorescence demonstrated a significant increase in the adherence of PknD-coated microspheres to the monolayer (P = 0.0002). F. Microspheres were pre-incubated with either custom anti-PknD serum or Fluorouracil order naïve serum. Incubation with anti-PknD serum (1:250 dilution) significantly reduced adherence of PknD (P = 0.0007) but not BSA-coated microspheres (P = 0.6). Moreover, no reduction in adherence was noted for PknD or BSA-coated microspheres when incubated with naïve antiserum (BSA: P = 0.4; PknD: P = 0.1; ANOVA single factor). Fluorescence readings are presented as mean ± standard deviation. *Statistically significant difference. In order to determine whether microspheres were invading and present intracellularly, the above incubations were repeated, and cells
analyzed by flow cytometry. We observed that, in samples Acesulfame Potassium incubated with PknD-coated microspheres, 7.7 ± 0.4% of HBMEC contained fluorescent spheres, while only 0.6 ± 0.2% of cells incubated with BSA-coated microspheres were positive for fluorescence (Figure 3A-C). Microspheres were again incubated with anti-PknD serum, and internalization by HBMEC was significantly reduced when compared to incubation with naïve serum (P = 0.001) (Figure 3D). Together, these data indicate that M. tuberculosis PknD is sufficient to trigger uptake by brain endothelia. Figure 3 M. tuberculosis PknD triggers invasion of the brain endothelium. A. Brain endothelia were inoculated with either PknD sensor- or BSA-coated fluorescent microspheres, washed, and disrupted by trypsinization.