Nonetheless, in certain cases, prolonged statin therapy has been

Nonetheless, in certain cases, prolonged statin therapy has been associated with hepatotoxicity, rhabdomyolysis, and compromised cardiac function.34 The side effects of statins, as well as the substantial numbers of people who either do not tolerate them or whose LDL levels are still significant, have prompted the search for new drugs that target other cholesterol-biosynthesis enzymes.22, 35 Because the toxicity resulting from AhR activation is mediated through DRE binding, the discovery that the AhR can coordinately attenuate the expression of cholesterol-biosynthetic genes and, subsequently, cholesterol biosynthesis in a DRE-independent manner is a very important observation. We

have recently described that the AhR can be activated this website by selective AhR modulators to repress cytokine-mediated acute-phase gene expression in the liver; it will be important to test whether these compounds can also

attenuate cholesterol biosynthesis.36 Thus, whether the AhR can be used as a therapeutic target to repress the expression of cholesterol-synthesis genes in vivo and thereby RG7420 mw lower cholesterol synthesis rate to induce LDL receptors will require further investigation. The authors thank Dr. Stephen C. Strom and Dr. Curtis J. Omiecinski for the primary human hepatocytes. Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article. “
“Eph/Ephrin family, one of the largest receptor tyrosine kinase families, has been extensively studied in morphogenesis and neural development. Recently, growing attention has been paid to its role in the initiation and progression of various cancers. However, the role of Eph/Ephrins in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has been rarely investigated. In this study, we found that the expression of EphrinA2 was significantly up-regulated in both established cell lines and clinical tissue samples of HCC, and the most significant increase was observed in the tumors invading the portal veins. Forced expression of EphrinA2 in HCC cells significantly

promoted in vivo tumorigenicity, whereas knockdown of this gene inhibited this oncogenic effect. We further medchemexpress found that suppression of apoptosis, rather than accelerating proliferation, was responsible for EphrinA2-enhanced tumorigenicity. In addition, EphrinA2 endowed cancer cells with resistance to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)–induced apoptosis, thus facilitating their survival. Furthermore, we disclosed a novel EphrinA2/ras-related c3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1)/V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog (Akt)/nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) pathway contributing to the inhibitory effect on apoptosis in HCC cells. Conclusion: This study revealed that EphrinA2 played an important role in the development and progression of HCC by promoting the survival of cancer cells, indicating its role as a potential therapeutic target in HCC. (HEPATOLOGY 2010.

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