influenzae strains to cause disease. Furthermore, the trend of shorter licA gene repeat regions
in H. haemolyticus strains that possess a lic1 locus (and the potential to express ChoP), may suggest that those strains have a slower phase-variable response to host defences targeting ChoP (i.e. CRP), potentially limiting their survival in inflammatory environments. Obviously, prevalence differences in ChoP expression alone do not account for all differences in disease potential between the species since many other virulence factors have been described for NT H. influenzae. Rather, the differential prevalence of genetic traits between the species highlight factors that may be further studied for their roles in virulence using in vitro and in
vivo models of NT H. influenzae infection. Although the structure Selleck APO866 of H. haemolyticus LOS is unknown, the assumption buy Veliparib has been made that basic LOS structures and biosynthesis of ChoP modifications, mediated by the phosphocholine transferase, LicD, are comparable between NT H. influenzae and H. haemolyticus. Some evidence suggests that these assumptions are reasonable. In the tricine SDS-PAGE experiments of this study, H. haemolyticus LOS migrated at a rate similar to the LOS of NT H. influenzae, and H. haemolyticus LOS also presented intra and inter-strain structural heterogeneity similar to the LOS of NT H. influenzae (Figure 1). Recent structural analysis on the LOS of Haemophilus parainfluenzae, a member of the Pasteurellaceae family that is phylogenetically more distant to NT H. influenzae than H. haemolyticus, revealed that the inner core structure was nearly identical
to that of NT H. influenzae [45]. Furthermore, the LicDIII and LicDIV alleles of the two H. haemolyticus strains in this study demonstrated higher sequence identity (95-99%) to their cognate proteins in NT H. influenzae than similar comparisons of LicA, LicB, and LicC proteins (87-94%, Table 1), suggesting a functional equivalence of the LicD protein Orotic acid alleles. Although these observations are circumstantial, they argue for more detailed comparisons of LOS structures between NT H. influenzae and H. haemolyticus to identify dissimilarities between the structures that may be associated with the ability of NT H. influenzae to cause disease. The results of this study suggest that genotypes facilitating LOS-ChoP structures that are not conducive to CRP binding predominate among the strain populations of both species; the majority of H. haemolyticus strains (58%) lacked a lic1 locus (indicating no ChoP expression) and the majority of NT H. influenzae strains either lacked a lic1 locus or possessed a single licD I allele (an allele known to dampen CRP binding by positioning ChoP substitutions from the proximal inner core heptose) (54% total strains).