In a study of 13 153 individuals, between 48 and 67 years of age, who regularly utilized NSAIDs or asprin, no associations between NSAID use and any of the cognitive tests were observed, although a modest, association was observed between aspirin use and better performance on delayed recall and verbal fluency tests.201 Yet others observed no positive impact of prescription NSAID use on cognitive function in community-dwelling older adults.202
However, as emphasized by Pasinetti,76 daily doses of up to 1200 mg of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen are analgesic but not, anti-inflammatory, and it, typically Wnt inhibitor requires daily doses Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of 2400 mg for a systemic anti-inflammatory effect. It is interesting to note that in an investigation of the impact of chronic NSAID use on cognitive decline in older adults, Rozzini et al203 found a positive association Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical between chronic NSAID use and reduction in cognitive decline over 3 years, as measured
by the Short. Portable Mental Status Questionnaire. As Karplus and Saag204 point out, large-scale, randomized, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical controlled trials using NSAIDs in this population are needed before it, is clear whether the known risks of NSAIDs are outweighed by their potential long-term benefits on cognition. There have been several investigations of the impact, of G biloba on cognitive function in adults asymptomatic for dementia. Several of these studies found that G biloba appeared to improve speed of processing and memoryfunction, particularly on measures of working memory.205-207 However, these studies were typically Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical short, in duration, ranging from 6 hours to 12 weeks, and included middleaged rather than older adults. Several, large-scale, multisite, randomized clinical trials of G biloba in older adults arc ongoing and their results should further clarify the relationship between this agent, and cognitive performance in this population. The influence of estrogen on cognition and memory in normal aging has also received
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical considerable recent, attention.208-214 One of the most, consistent findings to emerge from the above literature links estrogen to the maintenance of memory function in aging women. Several Electron transport chain studies found that estrogen significantly improved performance on tasks of both the immediate and delayed recall of verbal and nonverbal material.213-217 While several observational studies have shown that estrogen administration has a positive effect, on attention span, concentration, and memory function, others have not observed an association between ERT and cognitive function.218-220 Methodological differences among these investigations, including variation in the age of subjects and the cognitive tests employed, may account for the mixed results.