GoWell is funded by the Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland,

GoWell is funded by the Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow Centre for Population Health and supported in kind by the University of Glasgow and the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit. GHA, the organization responsible Volasertib chemical structure for much of the housing-led regeneration activity, funds the Community Health and Wellbeing Survey. All have vested, but sometimes different, interests in the study.

It is a long term investment for all funders, and there is a reasonable expectation that GoWell can and should respond to changing stakeholder interests/focus and research questions which were not part of the original plans. This presents challenges or tension for the researchers —being responsive without abandoning the initial, primary research questions or diminishing the quality of established research streams. Undertaking PHIR like GoWell is also a challenge for academic careers. Such research is inherently long-term and risky. While it is more acceptable now to publish negative or null results, these results are often based on somewhat less than perfect

click here study designs and low response rates and are therefore difficult to ‘sell’ to peer reviewers and academic journals. Moreover, the cross-disciplinary and system-based nature of the research means that outputs sit less neatly within specific academic domains. We have used our study design to advantage where we can: although we do not include non-deprived control areas, we have been able to show, firstly, that assumptions about what will work in more affluent areas do not always apply in deprived areas; and, secondly, that there is a great deal of variation Linifanib (ABT-869) in circumstances that mediates and moderates impacts even within a group of deprived areas.

There is also a tension between the types of outputs that are valued and considered useful. On the one hand the timeframe for publishing peer-reviewed journal articles (sometimes 12 months or more between submission and final publication) is not particularly useful for other stakeholders; on the other hand, reports and briefing papers for the policy-makers are often not valued by academia. We have moved to produce more syntheses of findings on particular issues so as to consolidate our academic work, and make it more usable for policy-makers and practitioners. In this paper we have outlined a number of challenges to evaluating a PHI delivered through non-health sectors. These challenges include consideration of what the intervention comprises, the nature of the recipients, the difficulty of attribution of effect due to limitations in possible study designs, specific challenges in studying areas of deprivation, and the challenges and risks related to different agendas of funders, stakeholders and researchers.

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