estrogen stimulus To cogitate each tricluster with di?erent estro

estrogen stimulus To cogitate each tricluster with di?erent estrogen respon sive stages of the experiment, we represent each triclus ter by eigengene. Then we have examined whether the eigengene of each tricluster is di?erentially expressed scientific research at early, middle and late estrogen responsive stages using Limma package in R. If eigengene of one tricluster is found to be di?erentially expressed at any possible responsive stages, then the genes having highly correlated expression pro ?les with that of eigengene can also be considered to be signi?cantly expressed at the same stages. In total our algorithm results in 115 triclusters. Eigengene of tri cluster 7 has been found to be di?erentially expressed between 0 hour 6 hours, 0 hour 12 hours, 3 hours 12 hours and 6 hours Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 12 hours.

429 genes among 505 genes are found to be di?erentially expressed in this tri cluster. KEGG pathway term mTOR signaling pathway is observed to be meliorated in this tricluster and has been reported to be associated Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with estrogen induced breast cancer cell. Genes PIK3CA, PRKAA1, RPS6, ULK2 participate in that pathway. The genes belonging to tri cluster 50 are coexpressed over all samples across 0, 6 and 12 hours. The eigengene of tricluster 50 has been observed to be di?erentially expressed between 0 hour 12 hours and 6 hours 12 hours. 96% of the genes belonging to this tricluster are found to be di?erentially expressed. The genes in this tricluster are meliorated with the KEGG pathway term ubiquitin mediated proteolysis. It has been reported in a previous study that there is crosstalk between ER and targets of ER for ubiquitin mediated proteolysis.

In tricluster 71 time points 3, 6 and 12 hours are present in that tricluster and the eigengene Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries is signi?cantly expressed between 3 hours and Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 12 hours. 44 genes out of 52 genes in this tricluster are signi?cantly Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries expressed between 3 and 12 hours. Genes belonging to this tricluster are also enriched with the KEGG pathway term ubiqui tin mediated proteolysis. Genes belonging to tricluster 48 are coexpressed across 0, 3 and 12 hours. Eigengene of tricluster 48 is signi? cantly expressed between 0 and 12 hours, 3 and 12 hours. The KEGG pathway term TGF beta signaling pathway is meliorated in this tricluster and the crosstalk between TGF beta signaling pathway and ER has been reported in a previous study. Genes SKP1, BMPR2 are found to play a role in the enriched pathway. Eigengene of tri cluster 95 is signi?cantly upregulated between 0 and 12 hours. 60% of all genes belonging to this tricluster are dif ferentially up regulated at late responsive stage. The genes in this tricluster directly has been found to be coexpressed across 0 hour, 12 hours over all samples.

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