[doi: 10.1063/1.3330171]“
“Symbiosis has been among the most important
evolutionary steps to generate biological complexity. The establishment of symbiosis required an intimate metabolic link between biological systems with different complexity levels. The strict endocellular symbiotic bacteria of insects are beautiful examples of the metabolic coupling between organisms belonging to different kingdoms, a eukaryote and a prokaryote. The host (eukaryote) provides the endosymbiont (prokaryote) with a stable cellular environment while the endosymbiont supplements the host’s diet with essential metabolites. For such communication to take place, endosymbionts’ genomes have suffered dramatic modifications and reconfigurations of proteins’ functions. Two of the main modifications, loss of LY2835219 datasheet genes redundant for endosymbiotic bacteria or the host and bacterial genome streamlining, have been extensively studied. However, no studies have accounted for possible functional shifts in the endosymbiotic proteomes. Here, we develop a simple method to screen genomes for evidence of functional divergence between two species clusters, and we apply it to identify functional shifts in the endosymbiotic proteomes. Despite the strong effects of genetic drift in the endosymbiotic
systems, we unexpectedly identified genes to be Saracatinib mw under stronger selective constraints in endosymbionts of aphids and ants than in their free-living bacterial relatives. These genes are directly involved in supplementing the host’s diet with essential metabolites. A test of functional divergence supports a strong relationship between the endosymbiosis and the functional shifts of proteins involved in the metabolic communication with
the insect host. The correlation between functional divergence in the endosymbiotic bacterium and the ecological requirements of the host uncovers their intimate biochemical and metabolic communication and provides insights on the role of symbiosis in generating species diversity.”
“Lyocell fabric samples were pretreated with 2-8 mol/L sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and then resin-finished with dimethyloldihydroxyethylene urea, dimethyl YM155 research buy dihydroxyethylene urea, and dimethylol urea based products. The resin-finishing treatments caused changes in the substrate properties, such as reduced accessibility, improved crease recovery, and reduced work of rupture and abrasion resistance. Differences were observed between resin-finished substrates as a function of the crosslinker type, and they were attributed to the influence of the crosslinker content and crosslink length in the substrates. The alkali pretreatments influenced the effects of resin finishing. A significant enhancement of the crosslinker penetration appeared within the substrates pretreated with 4 mol/L NaOH.