DGGE is a technique in which the variability of sequence is used to show the presence of certain types of microorganisms. Thus, any change in the primer sequence attached to the amplified region has the potential to affect the banding pattern of the DGGE. To demonstrate the implication of this, the 16S rRNA gene V3–5 region of B. subtilis 168 was attached to the variety of GC-clamp primers sequenced from F357GC, and their GC percentage and Tm were calculated. The
B. subtilis sequence attached to a correctly constructed F1 GC primer had a GC content of 58.06% and a melting temperature of 81 °C. The deviation DNA Damage inhibitor for an incorrectly assembled GC-clamp primer extended to a GC content of 55.44% and a melting temperature of 79 °C. This large degree of difference would easily translate into multiple bands on a DGGE gel and result in multiple bands for each sequence in the sample. None of the primer sequences in the PCR amplicons had 100% integrity, and each batch displayed a different degree of variation. In the original publication describing a 40-bp GC clamp, suggestions on the design of GC-clamp primers were made (Sheffield et al., 1989). Despite the actual sequence not being crucial, inverted repeats and strings of consecutive G nucleotides should be avoided
(Sheffield et al., 1989). Strings of G nucleotides would be problematic Selleck Z-VAD-FMK in the synthesis process (Sheffield et al., 1989). Avoidance of the recommended rules for GC-clamp construction, with the example as the one we used (F357GC F1) as evidence, shows that increased error occurs in a poorly planned GC clamp. Even when using
a GC clamp that follows the recommended rules of design, errors are still possible. (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate Purification of GC-clamp primers could eliminate this problem, and it has been recommended in the past (Felske & Osborn, 2005). Others have indicated that it is not necessary (Wu et al., 1998). The decrease in three nucleotides in the primer sequence for three of our primers might allow for an increased amount of amplification among organisms that do not share that sequence as part of their 16S gene, but there is no evidence that this affected the DGGE outcome. Microheterogeneity occurs when there are a small number of nucleotide changes in a gene between two bacteria of the same species. It can also refer to nucleotide differences occurring in various copies of a gene in a pure culture of bacteria. This has been known to cause problems in the comparison of 16S rRNA genes because of the variable copy number occurring among different organisms (Clayton et al., 1995). Any significant difference in the sequence of these genes could lead to the formation of multiple bands on a gel for the same type strain, as has been shown in Paenibacillus polymyxa (Nubel et al., 1996).