Cycling conditions were 50°C for 2 min and 95°C for 10 min followed by 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s and 60°C for 1 min. Relative gene expression levels were determined using a standard curve. The standard curves and line equations were generated using
fivefold serially diluted cDNA solutions from qPCR Human Reference Total RNA (Clontech, Mountain View, CA, USA) for each gene. All standard curves were linear in the analyzed range with an acceptable correlation coefficient (R2). The amount of target gene expression was calculated from the standard curve followed by quantitative normalization of cDNA in each sample using GAPDH and ACTB gene expression as internal control. Target gene mRNA levels are given as ratios to ACTB mRNA levels. RT–PCR assays were done in duplicate Doxorubicin ic50 for
each sample and the mean value was used for calculation of the mRNA expression levels. WE FOUND PF2341066 THAT there were DR in the area between normal liver and central necrosis with fibrotic changes after chemotherapy. Figure 1 shows CK7, NCAM, CD133, LGR5 and β-catenin expression in DR. CK7 expression was detected at the membrane of bile ductules. NCAM expression was detected at the membrane of neural cells, lymphocytes and DR. CD133 expression was detected at the luminal surfaces in DR. LGR5 expression was detected at the membrane and in the cytoplasm of DR and endothelial cells. We also examined β-catenin expression as Wnt target molecule in DR, and its expression was observed at the membrane and in the cytoplasm of DR. In addition, we examined CK19 expression as a marker of oval cell, and its expression was observed in DR (data not shown). As shown in Figure 2, mature bile ducts in the area of normal liver after chemotherapy with CK7 expression lacked NCAM, CD133 and LGR5 expression. Although CK20 as a marker of colorectal cancer was detected in metastatic cancer cells and in central necrosis of metastatic tumor, DR were not stained by CK20 (data not shown). We counted see more DR in the area between normal liver and central
necrosis with fibrotic changes in three microscopic fields per slide at a magnification of ×200. The median value of number of DR was 23 (range, 7–42). We observed that 87.2% of DR had LGR5 expression. Figure 3 shows the immunofluorescence of NCAM and LGR5 in DR after chemotherapy. NCAM expression was observed at the membrane of DR. LGR5 was expressed at the membrane and in the cytoplasm. There was co-localization of LGR5 and NCAM in DR. The gene expression levels of KRT7 (CK7), PROM1 (CD133) and LGR5 in the fibrotic area including DR were elevated compared with those in adjacent normal liver without significant difference. On the other hand, NCAM expression in central necrosis was highest among other locations. LGR5 expression was not detected in central necrosis (Fig. 4).