Considering the evolutionary history of the C. servadeii and its gut symbiont system, a long history of separation from other invertebrates and microorganisms appears to have occurred. At the same time its situation reveals the existence of phylogenetic similarities across the digestive
tracts of many different hosts (Table 2). It is conceivable that there may be a common ancestry involving a functional guild of bacteria that has endured the host lineage separation, as well as the erosion of sequence identities, through the paths of independent evolution. The dual pattern of homology among clone sequences from gut bacteria in Cansiliella to other insects further suggests this scenario (Figure 6b); a progressive phenomenon of divergence from C59 wnt common ancestries is suggested
by the double-peaking instance of homology existing between C. servadeii’s sequence queries and GenBank subjects, that set the insect-dwelling cases separated from the general Carfilzomib molecular weight intestinal/faecal cases. It is noteworthy that, while the hosts are set apart by sequence homology thresholds, the taxonomical groups of the bacteria found in Cansiliella are rather evenly represented across the different homology span (Figure 6a). It can be seen that Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria are almost equally present throughout the sequence similarity gradient, underscoring the need of the whole functional assemblage to be conserved both in distantly- as well as in recently-diverged hosts. This emphasizes a supposedly crucial role of a well-defined set of prokaryotic taxa that appear to have remained in charge within the alimentary tract of animals in spite of ages SPTLC1 of separation of their hosts. More recent acquisitions across different hosts appear to correspond to higher degrees of homology for bacterial symbionts, while acquisitions and symbiotic associations
that are older would correspond to lower degrees of homology (Figure 6). The evidences depicted in Figure 6 appear to fit the contour of an evolutionary path of separation of the midgut bacteria from those of other insects; it appears that matching bacteria that are hosted in other insects (i.e. hosts that are closer to Cansiliella) share higher homology with its symbionts (peak at 95%), while those living in animals which are evolutionarily more distant from the beetle, or in other habitats, have undergone a correspondingly higher divergence from them (peak at 93%). These instances support the existence of a group of common ancestors for a set of different bacteria and a history of isolation and coevolution within the hosts. The same analysis performed with the culturable biota isolated from the external tegument or, as a minority, from the midgut, shows the opposite scenario (Figure 6c) i.e.