
Considering Selleckchem TH-302 the second possibility, two copper-binding proteins with low capacity for general protein-protein interactions will develop stronger affinity and specificity for the interaction between them until the pair is fixed. In consequence, they will be expected to coexist in different genomes and probably

to be co-regulated. To analyze these options, we will focus on two well-characterized protein combinations, the PcoA/PcoC pair and the CusABCF group. The interaction between PcoA and PcoC and its role in the oxidation of Cu(I) to the less toxic Cu(II) has been previously demonstrated [39]. This check details evidence would suggest that the presence of both proteins might correlate. However, our results demonstrate that in those organisms where PcoC was identified its presence correlated more strongly with CueO than with PcoA, being the latter protein frequently found by itself. Furthermore, only in organisms with high number of copper homeostasis Temsirolimus proteins

pcoA and pcoC are adjacent (along with the rest of the Pco system) whereas the most frequent arrangements were the co-localization of pcoA with pcoB and of pcoC with yebZ, a homolog of PcoD, supporting the previously suggested interaction between these two last proteins to form a functional unit replacing PcoC-PcoD [7]. A revealing piece of evidence suggesting novel interactions arises from the high frequency of co-localization of pcoA and pcoB including the detection of fused PcoA and PcoB in five Legionella species. The second protein combination is the CusA-CusB-CusC group that in E. coli assembles as a tripartite efflux complex with the ratio CusA3-CusB6-CusC3 (Figure 2). Each one of the proteins has been demonstrated by different methods to PAK6 independently

bind copper [12]. Initial experiments using lysine-lysine cross-linking coupled with LC-MS/MS suggested the close interaction of CusA and CusB [40]; interaction further corroborated by the 2.9 Å crystallographic structure of a CusA-CusB co-crystal [33]. Putative interactions between CusC and CusA/CusB have been proposed on the basis of molecular dynamics yielding a trans-envelope structure resembling the architectures of the OprM and TolC channels [41]. The specific interaction of CusB with CusF, a small periplasmic protein with a putative role as a methallochaperone, as metal transfer partners has been demonstrated by isothermal titration calorimetry, XSAFS and NMR [42]. Once again, this evidence leads to the expectation for these four proteins to coexist and even to be co-localized in the genome. The CusABCF group was found in 21 families of 12 different orders but with evidence of co-localization only in Enterobacteria (Escherichia coli, Citrobacter, Cronobacter, Shigella, Klebsiella, Edwardsiella and Enterobacter) and in one other species (Shewanella putrefaciens CN-32 and ANA-3). The most frequent presence patterns for these proteins were CusC by itself followed by CusA-CusB-CusC.

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