Without a doubt, the Drosophila FMR1 and orthologs of Rin are involved in translatio and lig1 mutant eyes at 40% yeast containing food, plus the control and lig mutant eyes at 40% yeast and 60% Casein containing meals. Scanning electron micrographs of eyFLP/FRT Minute induced adult control or lig1 mutant eyes from flies grown on 100% yeast containing meals. Scale bar represents one hundred mm. Statistical evaluation as described in Figure 1D: manage and lig1. Statistical evaluation as described in Figure 1D: handle and lig1 mutant eyes from flies raised on 100% yeast containing meals at 18uC. Statistical analysis as described in Figure 1D: handle and lig1 mutant eyes from flies raised on 25% yeast containing food at 18uC. Overexpres sion from the transgenes UAS ligRNAi I or UAS ligRNAi II under the manage of da Gal4 causes lethality. Handle flies are shown in. Scale bar represents 500 mm.
Compartment distinct expression of the transgenes UAS ligRNAi I or UAS selelck kinase inhibitor ligRNAi II driven by DE Gal4 in the creating eye benefits in reduction of Lig within the dorsal compartment ) in comparison to the control. Scale bar represents 50 mm. Eyes overexpressing the transgenes UAS ligRNAi I or UAS ligRNAi II are bigger than the control. Scale bar represents 100 mm. The expression on the transgenes was induced using the Actin Flp out technique in mixture with eyFLP. Statistical evaluation as described in Figure 1D: handle, UAS ligRNAi I and UAS ligRNAi II. Statistical evaluation with the size of seven ommatidia as described in Figure 1D: manage, UAS ligRNAi I and UAS ligRNAi II expressing eyes.
Genotypes: yw, ligPP1/FRT42 lig2 yw, ligPP1/FRT42 lig3 and M ) y w eyFLP/yw, FRT42 PSUPor PVhaAC45KG02272 /FRT42 and M ) yw eyFLP/yw, FRT42 PSUPor PVhaAC45KG02272 /FRT42 lig1 y w eyFLP/yw, FRT42 M 531/FRT42 y w eyFLP/yw, FRT42 M 531/FRT42 lig1 yw, da Gal4/UAS CG1315RNAi selleck yw, da Gal4/UAS ligRNAi I yw, da Gal4/UAS ligRNAi II yw, DE Gal4, UAS RFP/UAS CG1315RNAi yw, DE Gal4, UAS RFP/UAS ligRNAi I yw, DE Gal4, UAS RFP/UAS ligRNAi II y w eyFLP, Act. CD2. Gal4/ yw, UAS CG1315RNAi / y w eyFLP, Act. CD2. Gal4/ yw, UAS ligRNAi I / y w eyFLP, Act. CD2. Gal4/yw, UAS ligRNAi II /. Figure S2 Overexpression of ligR185C causes a related eye phenotype as overexpression of lig. Scanning electron micrographs of eyes overexpressing the indicated UAS transgenes. Scale bar represents one hundred mm. Statistical analyses as described in Figure 1D: ey. GFP, ey. ligR185C.
The phenotype attributable to ligR185C is quite related for the phenotype caused by lig. lig overexpressing clones in eye imaginal discs of third instar larvae undergo apoptosis as judged by Cleaved Caspase three staining in comparison towards the control. Scale bar represents 50 mm. Pictures of wings expressing the indicated UAS transgenes beneath the control of nubbin Gal4. Scale bar represents 100 mm.