A. Allen was supported by BBSRC, and Mike S. M. Jettten and Christina Ferousi were supported by ERC AG 232937 and Spinoza Premium 2012. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Reference protein datasets for cytochrome c
maturation Systems (I-III) and thioredoxin dataset for System II. (ZIP 301 KB) Additional file 2: Cytochrome c maturation System biomarkers. For each cytochrome c maturation System (I-III), essential protein www.selleckchem.com/products/PD-0325901.html components that can be used as suitable biomarkers for annotation purposes were selected (for details see Additional file 3) and their defining characteristics are listed herein. (XLSX 12 KB) Additional file 3: Selection criteria for cytochrome
c maturation System biomarkers. (PDF 35 KB) Additional file 4: CcsA and CcsB homologs identified in four anammox genera using blastP. Homology identification was performed with blastP as implemented in CLC genomics workbench (v6.5.1, CLCbio, Aarhus, Denmark). Whole anammox genomes are used as queries against a reference database that comprises all reviewed entries for CcsA and CcsB available at UNIPROT. An E-value of 10-6 was set as cut off to prevent ambiguity. (XLSX 14 KB) Additional file 5: CcsA and CcsB homologs identified in four anammox genera using HHpred and HMMER. Homology identification was performed with blastP as implemented in CLC genomics workbench (v6.5.1, CLCbio, Aarhus, Denmark). Doramapimod in vitro Whole anammox genomes are used as queries against a reference database that comprises all reviewed entries for CcsA and CcsB available at UNIPROT. Intra- and intergenome searches with the significant hits from Kuenenia as queries were also performed (Additional file 4). Retrieved results were further analyzed with HHpred and HMMER. An E-value of 10-3 was set as cut
off to prevent ambiguity. (XLSX 14 KB) Additional file 6: CcsX and DsbD homologs identified in four anammox genera using blastP, HHpred and HMMER. Homology identification was performed with blastP as implemented in CLC genomics workbench (v6.5.1, CLCbio, Aarhus, Denmark). Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease Whole anammox genomes are used as queries against a reference database that comprises all reviewed entries for CcsX and DsbD available at UNIPROT. Retrieved results were further analyzed with HHpred and HMMER. (*): E-value cut off set at 10-6; (**): E-value cut off set at 10-3. (XLSX 14 KB) References 1. Lindsay MR, Webb RI, click here Strous M, Jetten MS, Butler MK, Forde RJ, Fuerst JA: Cell compartmentalisation in Planctomycetes : novel types of structural organisation for the bacterial cell. Arch Microbiol 2001, 175:413–429.PubMedCrossRef 2. Jetten MSM, Niftrik LV, Strous M, Kartal B, Keltjens JT, Op den Camp HJM: Biochemistry and molecular biology of anammox bacteria. Critic Rev Biochem Mol Biol 2009, 44:65–84. 3.