86–0.88 for RT using the first 10 trials. The stop signal task was even higher, (α = 0.98) for RT and (α = 0.96) for Accuracy based on first 100 trials. Table 3 Correlations between tasks shows the relationship between performance on the spatial working memory task and the stop signal task for both parents and children Figure 3 Behavioral performance shows box plots depicting the performance of the participants over the different load conditions
is as expected: with increasing load the accuracy decreases and the reaction time increases. Left Y-axis shows Accuracy (acc) and right … Cognitive control symptoms and behavior We also examined summary statistics and correlations between symptoms and cognitive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical measures (Table (Table2),2), showing that the best measures are based on the criterion that they are associated to the predicted amount with attention symptoms and the RT across all four load conditions Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and percent inhibition, based on previous
findings in the literature of relatively modest but significant correlations between inattention symptoms and working memory (e.g., Rogers et al. 2011), and consistent with neurocognitive profiles for ADHD (Walshaw et al. 2010). The correlations between the child and the parent measures on working memory and selleck inhibitor response inhibition variables are high Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (e.g., r = 0.73; Percent inhibition), suggesting our tasks may have significant heritability (e.g., similar to the heritability for Intelligence = 0.75, Nessier et al. 1996), and thus Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical would be appropriate for use in genetic association studies or useful as endophenotypes in psychiatric research (Gottesman and Gould 2003). Examining correlations and narrow-sense heritability (double
the slope of the regression) between parent and offspring can reveal the ceiling of potential heritability, but does not properly control for epistasis or environment effects (Lynch and Walsh 1998). In order to address the confound of potential shared variance between parent and child due to shared computing equipment and testing environment Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical we conducted a leverage analysis (see Table Table5).5). We determined how much of the parents and child’s RT would have to be explained by shared computing equipment and other testing environmental factors by assuming that it is possible to decompose the observed covariance between parent and child into two components: One due to the familial connection between parent Farnesyltransferase and child, and one that is due to shared testing environment. In this model it is possible to determine how large a proportion of the observed covariance would have to be due to the shared environment to make the rest of the covariance – assumed to be due to actual association between parent and child not significantly different from zero. The estimates for the variability in parent and child scores due to this shared environment component range from a standard deviation of 33 msec (Go Trial RT) to a standard deviation of 154 msec (WM Load 5 RT).