2 μl of vector. A 3 μl aliquot of the ligation mixture was used for the transformation. The rest of the cloning and sequencing procedure was carried out as described [25] with the following variations: inserts from clones were amplified using universal vector primers, and sequencing reactions were carried out with the universal pD’, pE, and pF’ primers [23]. APO866 clinical trial All primers were obtained from Oligomer Ltd. (Helsinki, Finland). Sequencing analysis The 16S rRNA gene sequences were edited and assembled
using the Staden Software Package [26] and sequences with ≥ 99% similarity were grouped to OTUs. OTUs were compared against the EMBL-all database using the FASTA program [27]. Sequences with < 95% match were classified as unknown bacteria, sequences
with 95-97% similarity DAPT molecular weight were classified according to genus, and sequences with > 97% similarity were identified to the species level based on sequences matched in the EMBL-all database. A representative sequence of each OTU has been deposited in EMBL sequence database under the accession numbers FN667019- FN667540. Phylogenetic analysis Services of CSC (Finnish IT Center for Science, Espoo, Finland) were used for phylogenetic analysis for 16S rRNA genes. The sequences were aligned with ClustalX version 1.8 using the default settings [28], and the phylogenetic tree was built using the neighbour-joining method [29] and by bootstrapping datasets with 1000 replicates. The cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis (AB016520) was used as an outgroup, and the tree was edited and illustrated using the NJ-Blot program [30]. Check of putative chimeric sequences Sequences were checked with Bellerophon’s chimera detection program [31]. Putative chimeric sequences were further checked with the Ribosomal Database Project II (RDP)
chimera check program [32]. Estimations for real diversity of bacteria In order to obtain an estimate of the real diversity of bacteria in different samples from differently working composting plants, both richness and coverage estimates were calculated. This was achieved using the Chao1-model [33], the Simpson’s reciprocal index and Simpson’s Index of Diversity [34], and the ACE-model [35] for modelling the diversity of BCKDHA bacteria. Unifrac analysis For weighted UniFrac distance metric analyses [36] the sequences were aligned with Muscle [37] and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. The environmental file linking the sequences to different stages of the composting EX 527 nmr process was used in the UniFrac calculations. As a result a UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method with Arithmetic mean, a technique that merges the closest pair of environments or clusters of environments at each step) cluster of samples, based on the phylogenetic lineages (sequences) they contained, was created.