, 1988), even after overexpression of endogenous APP (Jankowsky et al., 2007). APP is a highly conserved transmembrane protein with only 4% difference in amino acid between human, monkey, mouse, and rat sequence. Three of these differences (R5 → G, Y10 → F, and H13 → R) are localized to the Aβ domain (Figure 1A), giving rise to speculations about the importance of these changes for amyloid deposition. Surprisingly, synthetic
peptides containing these mutations do not differ in the Idelalisib propensity to form high molecular weight aggregates in vitro (Wahle et al., 2006). An alternative explanation could be that posttranslational modifications of the Aβ peptide are essential to initiate its aggregation, as it has been shown for pyroglutamate-modified Aβ (Querfurth RG7420 clinical trial and LaFerla, 2010 and He and
Barrow, 1999). Of note, induction of aggregation by NO modifications has been reported for other disease-relevant proteins (Nakamura and Lipton, 2009). With regards to the amino acid sequence of Aβ, the tyrosine at position 10 is a potential target for protein nitration. Since there is so far no mechanistic explanation of how expression of NOS2 and the subsequent production of NO and its reaction products modulate the progression of AD, we speculated that nitration of Aβ might contribute to AD pathology. We report here the presence of Aβ nitrated at tyrosine 10 in AD as well as in AD mouse models. This modification accelerated the deposition of human Aβ. We further find that Aβ burden and deficits in memory formation were ameliorated in APP/PS1 NOS2 (−/−) mice or by pharmacological treatment with a NOS2 inhibitor. Finally, nitrated Aβ was able to induce β-amyloidosis in APP/PS1 mice. These results underline the importance of this posttranslational modification as a potential therapeutic target. Since tyrosine 10 represents a potential nitration side (Figure 1A), we tested the availability of this amino acid for this posttranslational modification in vitro. Performing mass spectrometry analysis after tryptic digestion
of Aβ1-42 that was either nitrated using peroxynitrite science or the NO-donor Sin-1, we observed the described fragmentation pattern of a nitrated peptide (Petersson et al., 2001). This pattern was missing using Aβ1-42 bearing a tyrosine to alanine mutation (see Figure S1 available online), suggesting that tyrosine 10 is a potential nitration target in vitro. To detect Aβ nitrated at tyrosine 10 (3NTyr10-Aβ), we generated an antiserum specifically recognizing this epitope (3NTyr10-Aβ antiserum). This antiserum showed strong immunoreactivity against peroxynitrite-treated Aβ1-42 peptide or synthetically-nitrated Aβ1-42 (Aβ42(3NT)Y), which was absent in case of the untreated peptide (Figure 1B).