All patient Bioactive Compound Library materials were obtained with approval of local medical ethic committee. Patients were operated between 1990 and 2001, at the time of censoring 41 (59%) had died of whom 22 (54%) died from their disease, and 29 patients were still alive; four of them were alive with recurrence of the tumor. Mean follow up was 99 months (range 50–172 months). Patients with stage I/II (n = 47) and stage III (n = 23) colorectal cancer (as defined by the American Joint committee on Cancer and Union Internationale Contre le Cancer-criteria) were selected for this study. RT-PCR of CXCR4 in a Patient Cohort PCR primers for the detection of CXCR4 and the house-keeping genes (Selleckchem SN-38 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein M (HNRPM)
and TATA box binding protein (TBP) were designed in PRIMER Express (Applied Biosystems, USA) and span at least one exon-exon boundary. The primers used were: HNRPM, 5’-GAGGCCATGCTCCTGGG-3’, 5’-TTTAGCATCTTCCATGTGAAATCG-3’, TBP, 5’-CACGAACCACGGCACTGAT-3’, 5’-TTTTCTTGCTGCCAGTCTGGAC-3’ and CXCR4 5’-TTCTACCCCAATGACTTGTG-3’-5’-ATGTAGTAAGGCAGCCAACA-3’. RT-PCR reactions were performed on an ABI Prism 7900ht (Applied
Biosystems) using the SybrGreen RT-PCR core-kit (Eurogentec, Belgium). Cycle conditions were 10 min at 95°C followed by 40 cycles of 10 s at 95°C and 1 min at 60°C. Cycle threshold extraction was Lazertinib performed using the SDS software (version 2.2.2, Applied Biosystems). For all PCR reactions, a standard curve was generated using a five-step, five-fold dilution of pooled cDNA from the HCT81 colorectal cancer cell line. Relative concentrations of mRNA for each gene were calculated from the standard curve. After RT-PCR, dissociation curves were made to check the quality of the reaction. Reactions
with more than one peak in the dissociation curve were discarded. For normalization, the expression values for each gene were divided by the normalization factor of the gene (the average of the two house keeping genes). Immunohistochemistry of CXCR4 in a Patient Cohort Amine dehydrogenase A tissue microarray (TMA) was constructed from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues from 58 curatively operated colorectal cancer patients as described previously [24]. Standard three-step, indirect immunohistochemistry was performed on 4-μm tissue sections transferred to glass slides using a tape-transfer system (Instrumedics, USA), including citrate antigen retrieval and blockage of endogenous peroxidase. Sections were overnight incubated with the primary antibody CXCR4 (Mouse-anti-Human CXCR4 IgG2B, clone MAB172, R&D Systems, USA). Secondary reagent used was biotinylated rabbit anti-mouse IgG antibodies (DAKO Cytomation, Denmark) and biotinylated-peroxidase streptavidin complex (SABC; DAKO Cytomation, Denmark). Microscopic analysis was assessed by two independent observers (F.M.S. and C.J.K.) in a double-blinded manner. Three different punches per patient were scored.