Patients may be skeptical of the PF-02341066 order effectiveness of the medication or worried about long-term harm from or feeling dependent upon medication. Even if they do acknowledge that the medication does effectively reduce fractures, they may believe they can address the problem adequately through non-medicinal interventions (e.g., nutritional interventions such as calcium and vitamin D and exercise).
The cost of the medication may be a barrier for them [23]. Any combination of these reasons may lead a person to choose nonpersistence with fracture prevention medication. learn more Discrete choice experiments suggest that patients weigh perceived risks and benefits when they form their intention as to whether they take a medication or not. They consider
the perceived benefit of the medication, its cost (i.e., cost and time), and perceived risks of side effects [24, 25]. As many as one fifth or more of patients do not fill their prescriptions [26]. Even if patients form an intention to take medication for osteoporosis, this website they may have difficulty executing medication use behavior in the context of their daily lives. Lack of perceived ability to take the medication as prescribed (poor self-efficacy) [27], complex dosing schedules that interfere with daily activities, lack of social support to aid their medication use activities, and simply forgetting to take the medication may result in nonpersistence or noncompliance [20] In these instances, poor compliance may be unintentional. As noted previously, in the 2002 Harris Interactive Study of Persistence and Compliance [9], patients were asked why they did not fill prescriptions or comply with drug regimens. Twenty-four percent of the patients suggested that they occasionally forget to refill a prescription, while another 20% did not want to experience real or perceived side effects. Cost was a barrier for 17% of these patients, and another 14% felt they did not really need the drug. Interestingly, this study revealed that another important factor in compliance and persistence may be the patient’s own management
style. The researchers found that, in chronic diseases, patients for whom maintaining a sense of control is important are most likely not to fill a prescription, fill a prescription on time, continue taking a prescription, and take it as frequently as prescribed or in sufficient doses than patients who Ribonucleotide reductase are less concerned about maintaining a sense of control. Future research is needed to ascertain whether or not these individuals are more likely to feel dependent on medication when using it, and if that is the source of their sense of lack of control associated with its use. The Harris study also found that there were gender differences in medication behaviors, with women less likely than men to report compliance with prescribed drug regimens; however, other studies have reported lower compliance among men [28]. The perspectives of physician and patient often differ substantially [20, 29].