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“Preconception care Preconception care is one of the main instruments of high-income countries to reduce stillbirth Aurora Kinase rates (Flenady et al. 2011). In 2007, the Dutch Health Council recommended to initiate preconception care by means of a central programme. Since 2006, a rapidly growing number of midwifery practices have started offering preconception consultation (PCC) in the Netherlands. Preconception care has thus become more integrated in primary health care, thereby increasing the uptake. The sole indication for preconception care is the wish or consideration to become pregnant. PCC may focus on lifestyle and work and living environment issues, medicine use and advice to use folic acid supplements, advanced parental age, consanguinity, smoking/alcohol/drugs (ab)use, teratogens, infectious diseases, chronic disease of the woman, previous gynaecological problems (miscarriages, labour problems), congenital anomalies or hereditary disease of the woman or man, a previous child with a congenital anomaly or hereditary disease, family history with a congenital anomaly or a (possible) hereditary disease (Atrash et al. 2008).