The lists of all community pharmacies in Alberta and Northern Ireland were obtained from the Alberta College of Pharmacists’ website (, and the Ulster Chemist Association Diary respectively. All registered community AC220 pharmacies in Northern Ireland and Alberta were placed in a numbered list and called in a random order (using a random-number generator) until the desired sample size of community pharmacists was obtained. Pharmacy type (independent or
chain for Alberta and independent, small chain (two to five pharmacies) or multiple (six pharmacies or more) for Northern Ireland) and location (urban or rural) were also recorded. For the purpose of sample size calculation it was estimated that 35% (±10%) of participants would use language related to patient-centred care to describe what a pharmacist does. Using EPI INFO v6. (CDC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA), Stat Calc for population surveys it was determined that 85 pharmacists from each jurisdiction were required to achieve the previous estimate
at a confidence level of 95%. This figure was rounded to a total of 100 pharmacists per jurisdiction. The present study methodology, which involved short telephone interviews with community pharmacists as the data collection vehicle, has been outlined elsewhere.[34] Community pharmacists were interviewed by telephone. The interviewer introduced himself as a researcher who was examining Verteporfin datasheet how various health professionals use language to describe what they do and then asked the interview questions. The interview was composed of two questions: Linifanib (ABT-869) (a) How many years have you been practising pharmacy? (b) In three or four words (or phrases), from your perspective, could you please tell me ‘What does a pharmacist do?’ The brevity of the telephone conversations enabled the researcher to document participants’ responses by hand. The intention of using this methodology was to prevent pharmacists from thinking too much about their answer, thereby eliciting a ‘top of mind’ or automatic response. This approach was used because it engages certain unconscious
mental processes which affect and influence the judgements, feelings and behaviours of the person.[35] In the literature it has been reported that individuals’ automatic response does not usually match their self-reported attitudes.[36] The slight deception and restriction of response were intended to remove some of the effects of social desirability bias.[37] The first phase of data analysis involved two researchers independently coding the responses using qualitative content analysis. The definitions of product-focused (dispensing) and patient-centred care, obtained from the Canadian Pharmacist Association’s Blueprint for Pharmacy: Implementation Plan[38] (see Table 1 for definitions), were applied to further refine the analysis.