4, 11 and 14 Antes do esvaziamento da cavidade uterina, a paciente deve ser submetida à avaliação clínica, com destaque para o diagnóstico de eventuais complicações como anemia, crise tireotóxica, pré‐eclampsia e insuficiência
respiratória. Todas essas situações devem ser corrigidas antes do procedimento. No caso descrito, a curetagem uterina não foi possível devido ao quadro clínico grave da paciente, a qual necessitava de cuidados intensivos imediatos. Após o retorno à enfermaria, evoluiu com ausência de sangramento vaginal e exame ultrassonográfico normal, com alta hospitalar e seguimento ambulatorial sem a necessidade de esvaziamento uterino adicional. Os autores declaram não haver conflitos de interesse. “
“Charles J. Lightdale Uzma D. Siddiqui and Christopher J. Gostout Douglas G. Adler Endoscopy constitutes a wide INK 128 datasheet range of procedures with
many indications. ophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic ultrasonography, and enteroscopy comprise the most commonly performed procedures. These examinations all carry risk to the patient, and incumbent in this is some legal risk with regard to how the procedure is conducted, decisions made based LDK378 supplier on the intraprocedure findings, and the postprocedure results, in addition to events that occur following the procedure. This article provides an overview of consent and complications of endoscopy. Jason N. Rogart Acute endoscopic perforations of the foregut and colon are rare but can have devastating consequences. There are several principles and practices that can lower the risk of perforation and guide the endoscopist in early assessment when they do occur. Mastery of these principles will lead to overall improved patient outcomes. Stavros N.
Stavropoulos, Rani Modayil, and David Friedel Luminal perforation after endoscopy is a dreaded complication that is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, longer and more costly hospitalization, and the specter of potential future litigation. The management of such perforations requires a multidisciplinary approach. only Until recently, surgery was required. However, nowadays the endoscopist has a burgeoning armamentarium of devices and techniques that may obviate surgery. This article discusses the approach to endoscopic perforations in the esophagus and stomach. Christine Boumitri, Nikhil A. Kumta, Milan Patel, and Michel Kahaleh Early recognition of perforations arising from endoscopy is essential. In some cases the perforation can be viewed clearly during the procedure, and immediate action should be taken to repair the defect endoscopically if feasible. If perforation is unclear, imaging can be used to confirm the diagnosis. Surgical intervention is not always necessary; however, a surgical consultation for backup is essential.