This layer stains very light with haematoxylin, whereas picrocarmin-staining colours this layer in red compared to the surrounding Antiinfection Compound Library layers. Fibres of this layer originate from the occipital lobe, seemingly from all areas of the occipital cortex, and continue anteriorly into the posterior part of the corona radiata. These fibres form the projection connections, namely the corona radiata of the occipital lobe. To reach their destination, they have to gather at the outer surface of the ventricle. Fibres originating from the occipital pole unify a few millimetres
behind the beginning of the forceps as a solid tract that thickens as further fibres join and runs anteriorly along a longitudinal direction. Once these fibres reach the tip of the forceps the tract funnels out and from here onwards encases the forceps from all sides in the shape of an anteriorly HDAC inhibitor widening belt. On sections, fibres of the stratum sagittale internum were not traceable without interruptions
along their entire trajectory from the cortex through the white matter. They can only be differentiated with clarity from other fibres, once they form a separate layer. Fibres at the inner surface of the forceps that run longitudinally towards the front (12) as well as fibres originating more anteriorly from the cuneus, precuneus, and lingual gyrus course towards the lateral surface of the forceps – still in the frontal plane – describing an arc around parts of the forceps that course dorsal and ventral to the occipital horn. Once these fibres reach the outside of the occipital horn they bend anteriorly in a longitudinal direction. On coronal sections, the upper parts of these fibres (13) cling to forceps fibres originating from the cuneus and the precuneus. Fibres from the lingual gyrus (14) run in parallel to the above described
callosal fibres and course from the lateral to the medial surface in opposite direction from the base of the hemisphere FER towards the inferior part of the forceps (7). As a consequence of this arrangement, the part of this layer that lies outside the occipital horn (11) becomes thicker, whereas the part on the inner side becomes finer as the calcar avis progressively penetrates the occipital horn anteriorly, such that it soon becomes only a microscopically visible veil. Eventually, the veil will tear apart just near the callosal bulge to allow the forceps to reach the median surface. The most inferior fibres of the stratum sagittale internum run almost horizontal along their entire course towards the front. However, the more fibres originate dorso-anteriorly, the sharper their diagonal angle from a dorsal-posterior to an anterio-inferior direction. In the parietal lobe the corona radiata runs eventually vertical on coronal section at the level of the tip of the pulvinar. Thus from here onwards they can be traced along their length on coronal sections.