In addition the Akt inhibitor more hemodynamically oriented ultrasonography and the more morphologically orientated angiography have both technical limitations, as it will be described in detail below. Therefore a perfect correlation between these different approaches is not possible. It
has to be kept in mind, that the prognosis and therefore the rational for decisions are only indirectly linked with diameter reduction or pressure drop but with plaque instability, thrombus formation and embolisation. The final diagnosis in % stenosis is only a surrogate parameter for the risk of an imminent ischemic event whichever technique is used. X-ray angiography was the method chosen for the carotid surgery trials run in the second half of the 80s and published in the early 90s. They provided conclusive evidence for the benefit of surgery [9]. The problem of angiographic measurements is that the diameter is measured, but the hemodynamic effect of a stenosis is due to the degree of area reduction. This is one important reason for a
good deal of the discrepancies between ultrasonic and angiographic measurements. The area of stenosis is seldom concentric, often semicircular or oval shaped. UK-371804 mouse Especially a high degree stenosis may have a very irregular opening making it completely illusive to estimate area reduction by measuring the diameter. This irregular aspect can often only be realised by the surgeon during endarterectomy. The most popular parameter is the peak systolic velocity (PSV) in the stenosis. The envelope of the Doppler spectrum is chosen instead of the instant mean Doppler shift and converted to velocity. The envelope of the spectrum is more reproducible than the instant mean especially in systole. The highest frequencies
in systole are recorded from those 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase streamlines with the highest velocities and with the smallest angle of incidence (Doppler angle). That means that at the outlet of a stenosis with diverging streamlines the best Doppler angle may not be parallel to the vessel axis (Fig. 1). Helical flow organisation and disturbances due to tortuosity are further factors making a correct angle estimation difficult or impossible even using color flow as a guide. The possible error converting Doppler shift to velocity increases with increasing Doppler angle due to the cosine function (Doppler equation). Therefore the variability of velocity estimations is higher compared to simple frequency recordings. Beside disturbed flow technical factors have to be considered. Intrinsic spectral broadening is due to beam spreading [7]. For recording Doppler signals with a linear probe a series of transducer elements are pulsed to generate and direct the wave-front. As a consequence the recorded spectrum is composed of signals originating from different angles of insonation creating spectral broadening [12].