As in China, warfare was one of the key instruments that the Korean and Japanese elites used to manage and profit from economic growth and to contend with one another for land and political advantage (Kang, 2000, Rhee et al., 2007, Rhee and Choi, 1992, Shin et al., 2012, Tsude, 1987, Tsude, 1989a, Tsude, 1989b and Tsude, LDN-193189 molecular weight 1990). As had previously happened in China, the new socio-political/economic regime that emerged in
Japan and Korea had profound effects on the natural landscapes of both countries. In both Korea and Japan major anthropogenic landscape change over large areas was fostered by the clearing and irrigating of thousands of square kilometers of new agricultural land in
formerly wooded valley basins. By about a thousand years ago, paddy-field rice agriculture in the lowlands and dryland cropping Selleck LBH589 of cereals and vegetables on higher terrain had come to dominate every suitable valley and river delta of the entire Korean Peninsula and Japanese Archipelago, and densely occupied towns and cities were thickly distributed. Within about 1000–1500 years after the initial Korean flux into Japan, vast landscapes had been reshaped into irrigated field systems laboriously created and maintained by many small and densely occupied peasant farming communities working under the dominion of local lords. The low-lying coastal plain of Kawachi, now dominated by metropolitan Osaka, was made into vast paddy fields by these peasants, who also constructed the elite leadership’s villas, roads, mountain fortresses, and swarms of burial mounds around major centers. The same was true in the Kanto Plain in which metropolitan Tokyo is situated. In both Korea and Japan, many of these elite burial mounds were impressively large, varying in size according
to the wealth of the personage or personages buried in them. The grandest of all burial mounds in Japan or Korea, the Osaka area Kofun attributed to Emperor Nintoku, is 486 meters long and ringed Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II by three moats (Tsude, 1989a). Another aspect of this growth process is seen in the fact that both countries’ formerly dominant woodlands were catastrophically reduced by agricultural clearing and voracious cutting to obtain construction lumber and industrial charcoal. Now it is only in rugged mountain terrain, and long-protected precincts around ancient temples and landmarks, that remnants of Japan’s original woodlands remain (Barnes, 2012, Totman, 1989, Tsude, 1989a and Tsude, 1989b). Coming forward into modern historical times, the ultimate impact of all these anthropogenic forces is powerfully evoked by a few poetic passages in Trewartha’s classic Japan: A Geography (1965, p.