In both active and

scarring trachoma, conjunctival transc

In both active and

scarring trachoma, conjunctival transcriptome studies showed evidence of prominent innate immune responses Abiraterone concentration [49] and [55]. In active disease there was marked enrichment of neutrophil and NK cell related transcripts [49]. Given that NK cells are a significant source of the anti-fibrotic and anti-chlamydial cytokine IFNγ [56], have a direct anti-fibrotic role in other diseases such as cirrhosis [57], are important in maintaining the epithelial cell barrier via IL-22 production and are lytic for infected cells [58], the activity of NK cells and their interaction with adaptive T cells may be crucial in the balance between immunity and pathology [59]. Many other pathways were also differentially expressed, including pattern recognition receptors and chemokines such as neutrophil chemotactic factor

CXCL5 [50]. Serological responses associated with scarring or protection from scarring have been identified by genome wide profiling, using an in vitro system expressing 908 open reading frames (ORFs) of the Ct serovar D genome and plasmid (pORF1-8)) [60]. Responses to 4 antigens were associated with trichiasis (CT414, 667, 695, 706), and to 8 antigens (CT019, 117, 301, 553, 556, 571, 709) with protection from trichiasis. These are important findings that could guide the selection of antigens to be

included in a vaccine, but the results should be treated with caution, since several immunodominant antigens were not consistently Gefitinib cell line recognised by the majority of sera, probably due to conformation of the antigens in the in vitro expression system. Moreover, antigens recognised by T- as well as B-cells are likely to be important components of a chlamydial vaccine. Antibody responses to CT795 were associated with inflammatory trachoma, antibodies to CPAF with trichiasis [61], and antibodies to cHsp60 with scarring [62]; but it is unclear whether these antibodies have a pathogenic role or are simply markers of previous infection. Other studies have suggested that immune responses to cHsp60 may be Rolziracetam protective: PBMC proliferation responses to cHsp60 were weaker in subjects with conjunctival scarring than in controls, while the resolution of infection was associated with increased responses [44] and [63]. T-helper 2 (Th2) dominated responses have been linked to fibrotic complications in some infectious diseases, e.g. schistosomiasis [64] and [65]. Adults with conjunctival scarring, compared to controls, have reduced lymphoproliferative responses and IFNγ production following stimulation with Ct EB and some chlamydial antigens, but an increased number of IL-4 producing cells in response to cHsp60 [63] and [66].

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