at final concentration of 300 nM. b Actin was used as reference gene for the e periments in hypo ia. All e periments were per formed at selleck least by triplicate. Additional cell lines Additional MSC lines with activated RAS or RAS downstream effectors were generated by infection of MSC4 with the retroviral vector pBabe hygro encoding constitutive active RAS, the membrane targeted RAF 1, and myristoylated AKT, all kindly provided by Dr. Pablo Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Rodriguez Viciana. Immortal human mammary epithelial cells, obtained from Dr. Rodriguez Viciana, were cultured in DMEM F 12 containing 5% horse serum and supplemented with EGF, hydrocortisone, cholera to in and insulin, all from Sigma. HMEC e pressing different oncogene combinations were generated after infection with the same retroviral vectors used for the generation of Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries MSC lines.
Breast cancer cell lines MDA MB 231 and MCF 7 were cultured in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells were obtained Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries from Promocell and cultured with Endothelial Cell Growth Medium according to suppliers instructions. Public transcriptome data The e pression level of Nrf2 in many types of cancer was compared using the Oncomine and The Cancer Genome Atlas including 5 separate breast cancer study datasets. In total, for survival analyses we studied 16 distinct types of cancer. Details of each dataset, the number of samples with clinical details, the e pression platform, and associated Pubmed IDs for the GEO datasets are in Additional file 13 Table S3.
Gene e pression microarray analysis Generation of Gene E pression Microarrays was previously described and data were deposited in ArrayE press database. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis measures the enrich ment of a gene set within a GEM e periment. The Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries enrich ment score is a metric of the skew of a gene set within the rank of genes sorted by their GEM e pression difference. The significance of enrichment is the proportion of true ES 1000 ES generated from random gene sets. Leading edge genes are the subset that contributes most to the ES. Statistical analysis For survival analysis we used the R survival package. To survey for potential association between gene e pression and survival we categorized samples as below or above Drug_discovery median e pression for each gene and then calculated the log rank P value comparison between the groups.
For KIRC, SKCM and PRAD GSE21034 datasets with significant NFE2L2 log rank tests we also calculated the hazard ratio using the Co proportional hazard model. Elsewhere data were analyzed using Students t test, Spearmans rho or log rank test as appropriate for the analysis. Values are given as mean SD. All statistical tests were two sided, and results were considered statistically sig nificant when P 0. 05. Background Gastric adenocarcinoma is the fourth and fifth most common cancer among males and females, respectively, worldwide and is strongly linked to chronic inflamma tion. It is now well accepted that infection with Helicobacter