The expression levels we observed are similar to those of other sec61 mu tants expressed from plasmids without causing transloca tion effects. Increasing the expression of Sss1p can suppress the functional defect in Sec61p in sec61 3 mu tants. Therefore we asked whether sec61L7 cells had elevated their Sss1p levels to maintain viability. We exam ined the expression levels dilution calculator of Sss1p, Sbh1p and Sec62p, but did not detect any differences between Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries wildtype and sec61L7 mutant cells. The reduced amount of Sec61L7p in the mutant cells may have been due to instability of Sec61p in the absence of L7. We therefore also examined the stability of Sec61L7p in our cycloheximide chase analyses. Over 1 h, how ever, Sec61L7p was as stable as the wildtype protein and the Sec62p loading control.
Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries The trimeric Sec61 complex is unstable in the absence Cilengitide of L7 We next asked whether instability of any of the protein complexes formed with Sec61p was the explanation for the protein translocation defects observed in sec61L7 cells. The trimeric Sec61 complex, which consists of Sec61p, Sss1p and Sbh1p, is stable in Triton X100, in contrast to the heptameric Sec complex. We solubi lized microsomes derived from wildtype and sec61L7 cells in Triton X100 and analysed Sec61 complex integ rity by sedimentation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in a 0 15% sucrose gradient. After centrifugation, fractions were taken from the top, pro teins separated by SDS PAGE, and Sss1p, Sbh1p and Sec61p detected by immunoblotting. The stable trimeric Sec61 complex was located in fractions 5 10 where Sec61p, Sss1p and Sbh1p were detectable in microsomal lysates from SEC61 wildtype yeast.
In lysates from sec61L7 membranes, substantial fractions of Sbh1p and Sss1p were found in fractions 1 4 which represent the monomeric states of Sss1p and Sbh1p. This suggests that Sec61L7p fails to bind Sbh1p and Sss1p appropriately, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and that this leads to an instability of the trimeric Sec61 complex. The ef fect was most striking for Sss1p, which in the sec61L7 mutant was found almost exclusively in the monomeric fraction. The distribution of Sec61L7p in the gradient also changed compared to wildtype Sec61p, it was found concentrated in fractions 8 and 9 where no Sss1p and little Sbh1p was present. Surprisingly, in contrast to the small subunits, no Sec61L7p was found in the monomeric fractions on the top of the gradient.
To confirm the altered interaction of Sec61L7p with the small subunits of the Sec61 complex we performed a chemical crosslinking experiment. In mammalian micro somes, chemical crosslinking with sulfhydryl reactive bi functional bis maleimidohexane results in a prominent band consisting of the Sec61p homologue Sec61 and the Sbh1p homologue Sec61B. This crosslink is sensitive to structural changes in the translo con and disappears upon treatment of the membranes with EDTA, and after stripping off ribosomes with puro mycin and high salt.